Authors: JiHong Zou Li An Shi Chen LiQun Ren
Publish Date: 2011/05/25
Volume: 39, Issue: 2, Pages: 1435-1440
Case–control studies on the association between XPA A23G and lung cancer have provided either controversial or inconclusive results To clarify the effect of XPA A23G on the risk of lung cancer a metaanalysis of all case–control observational studies was performed Pooled odds ratios ORs for various polymorphisms were estimated using random and fixed effects models The Qstatistic was used to evaluate the homogeneity and Egger and Begg tests were used to assess publication bias For the homozygote GG and G allele carriers GA + GG the pooled ORs were 124 95 CI 105–146 P = 027 for heterogeneity and 130 95 CI 113–151 P = 045 for heterogeneity compared to the homozygous genotype AA In the stratified analysis by ethnicity the ORs of the G allele carriers and the homozygote GG were 128 95 CI 110–149 P = 007 for heterogeneity and 142 95 CI 104–193 P = 039 for heterogeneity among nonCaucasians No significant associations were found in the Caucasian population in any of the genetic models When studies that were not in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium HWE were corrected the pattern of the results remained the same Our results indicated a significantly decreased risk of lung cancer in nonCaucasians with the G allele