Authors: WenHui Zhang HaiFeng Pan XueFei Zhao DongQing Ye XiangPei Li JianHua Xu
Publish Date: 2009/03/25
Volume: 37, Issue: 3, Pages: 1341-1345
The aim of this study is to investigate the role of antiαactinin antibodies in patients with newonset systemic lupus erythematosus SLE Thirtysix patients with SLE 16 of whom had lupus nephritis LN and 53 healthy controls were included The clinical and laboratory parameters of patients were collected from medical records or by questionnaire Serum antiαactinin Abs was measured by competitive enzyme linked immunosorbent assay ELISA Our results show that the OD value of serum antiαactinin Abs in SLE patients was significantly lower than that in normal controls 1212 ± 0244 vs 1364 ± 0202 P = 0002 seven of 36 SLE patients were seropositive for antiαactinin Abs which was significantly higher than in normal controls 194 vs 38 P = 0028 There were no significant differences of clinical parameters between the antiαactinin Abspositive patients and the negative patients The positive rate of the term urine casts elevated IgM and IgA in antiαactinin Abspositive patients were higher than that in the negative patients The OD values of serum antiαactinin Abs negatively correlated with disease activity R s = −0352 P = 0035 Antiαactinin Abs may be a useful marker of the disease activity of SLE in addition it may be used as a complementary parameter to differentiate LN from SLE without nephritisThis work was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China 30571608 30771848 the key program of National Natural Science Foundation of China 30830089 We are deeply indebted to the people who have participated in this study