Authors: Durga Koteswara Rao Noor Ahmad Shaik Ahmad Imran Dwarakanath K Murthy Eswar Ganti Chitralekha Chinta Hanmantha Rao Nazia Sultana Shaik Jumana Yousuf AlAama
Publish Date: 2014/01/01
Volume: 41, Issue: 2, Pages: 841-848
In the present cross sectional study we aimed to ascertain the relative associations of GST genotypes with GST activity variations and also with the risk to DMT2 predisposition among men and women separately Clinical samples obtained from 244 DMT2 cases 120 Males and 124 Females and 228 controls 117 Males and 111 Females belonging to Asian Indian ethnicity were used to test for glycemic index lipid profile GST activity and GST genotypes The frequencies of single and combinations of GST genotypes were statistically examined for their association with DMT2 risk among both study groups The GST activity is significantly lowered in DMT2 group compared to controls p = 0001 This reduction is found to be subjective to single and combinations of GST genotypes among diabetic patients The frequency distribution for single double and triple combinations of genotypes of GSTT1 GSTM1 and GSTP1 showed the varying degrees of association with DMT2 risk from 05 to 56fold among male and female patients for all associations p value was 005 Interestingly GST activity was lowered in both male and female patients with single or combinational genotypes of GSTM1 Null GSTT1 Null and P1 V/V for all associations p value was = 00001 The reduced antioxidant capacity among diabetic patients with certain GST genotypes may have some important implications for disease diagnosis and therapy