Authors: Maja Živković Aleksandra Stanković Tamara Djurić Igor Končar Ana Kolaković Vladimir Djurdjević Lazar Davidović Dragan Alavantić
Publish Date: 2014/01/10
Volume: 41, Issue: 2, Pages: 1157-1164
Glutathione Stransferases GSTs carry out a wide range of functions in cells such as detoxification of endogenous compounds removal of reactive oxygen species and even catalysis of reactions in metabolic pathways beyond detoxification Based on previous research GSTM1 and GSTT1 might modify the risk of atherosclerosis The aim of our study was to analyze the possible association of GSTM1 and GSTT1 gene polymorphisms with the occurrence of carotid plaque CP and biochemical parameters of oxidative stress lipid profile and inflammation in 346 consecutive patients with advanced atherosclerosis that underwent endarterectomy A multiplex polymerase chain reaction PCR method was used to detect the deletions in GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes in the genomic DNA in 346 patients and 330 controls The adjusted OR for CP presence adjusted for age gender smoking hypertension BMI HDLC TG was 024 95 CI 008–07 p 001 for GSTT1 null and 113 95 CI 062–207 p = 07 for GSTM1 null genotype We found significantly lower plasma lipoprotein a Lpa levels in GSTT1 null compared to wildtype genotype carriers in patient group 2068 ± 2602 mg/dl vs 4066 ± 4289 mg/dl mean ± SD p = 004 The serum interleukin6 IL6 values were significantly influenced by both GST polymorphisms in patients with CP Our results showing the significant reduction of GSTT1 deletions in patients with CP suggest involvement of GSTs in carotid atherosclerosis This study shows additional view of the possible role of GSTs in advanced chronic inflammatory disease of vascular system but the confirmation in a larger studies in different populations are needed