Authors: Gino Noris Carla Santana Marco Antonio MerazRíos María de Lourdes Munoz Abraham MajlufCruz Jonathan J Magaña Julio Granados Rosa Quezada María Cristina Revilla Sergio MartínezSalas Salvador Xihuitl Gonzalo Martínez de la Escalera Alvaro DíazBadillo Emma S CalderonAranda Rocío Gómez
Publish Date: 2012/09/15
Volume: 39, Issue: 12, Pages: 10139-10156
Since Mexican mestizos are an admixed population it is necessary to determine the effects that the substructure of the population has on genetic and forensic parameters With this aim a study was performed with 15 STR loci CODIS plus D2S1338 and D19S433 on 1640 unrelated Mexican mestizos We determine allele and genotypic frequencies observing departure from Hardy–Weinberg expectation 12 out of 15 loci with an excess of homozygotes Fis 0 as well as pairs of loci in an apparent linkage disequilibrium 13 of 92 loci We conducted a test for genetic population stratification the results show that the Mexican mestizo population is substructured into three subgroups which are in HW and linkage equilibrium The combination of the 15 loci in the whole population has high forensic efficiency with the capacity to genetically discriminate one individual in one quintillion 1/1018 Our data potentially validates the use of these 15 STR loci to establish forensic identity and parentage testing for legal purposes and offers a powerful tool for genetic variation analysis However given that the population is stratified we highly recommend applying a correction with the inbreeding coefficient in calculations of paternity and forensic studies to avoid erroneous assumptionsThis study was supported by the Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología del Distrito Federal ICYTDF contract grant number MLMMICYT We thank María del Pilar FigueroaCorona M Sc Leonor C AcostaSaavedra M Sc Pascual Francisco LucioMonter and Francisco J CastañedaMontes for technical assistance We also thank Biología Molecular Diagnóstica SA de CV and her coworkers for helping in the logistics of sample collection and processing In addition we thank Laboratotrio Multidisciplinario de Investigación de la Escuela Militar de Graduados de Sanidad for logistic assistance We thank the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología CONACYT the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNAM and its PhD in Biomedical Ciences program for the scholarship granted to G Noris during his undergraduate formation Finally we wish to thank the journal’s anonymous reviewers for their very useful commentaries and suggestions in the writing of this paper