Authors: Jigang Li Xiumin Li Yongli Chen Zhongxiang Yang Sandui Guo
Publish Date: 2012/10/12
Volume: 39, Issue: 12, Pages: 11051-11059
Helicoverpa armigera Hübner is a polyphagous Lepidoptera pest which causes great economic losses in crop production worldwide In contrast to its agricultural importance advances in the molecular aspects of this insect are quite limited In the present study Illumina’s SOLEXA sequencing was adopted to determine the transcriptome of young H armigera larvae About 7 gigabases of raw sequence data was generated and assembled into 116601 contigs with an average length of 389 base pairs after data preprocess 37352 of these contigs were annotated by searching against Uniref 100 of UniProt database The annotated sequences were functionally classified into three groups including biological process 15632 sequences cellular component 9562 sequences and molecular function 19258 sequences KEGG Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes analysis showed that 1409 contigs predicted to encode enzymes with enzyme commission numbers were mapped into 220 KEGG pathways in total Finally contigs with simple sequence repeats were derived from this datasetThis work was financially supported by the Provincial Science and Technology Pillar Program of Hebei China Grant No 11215529 Open Project Funds for Young Scientists of Key Laboratory of Microbial Diversity Research and Application of Hebei Province China Grant No 09265631D11 and Genetically Modified Organisms Breeding Major Projects of China Grant No 2011ZX08005004 The authors gratefully acknowledge the suggestions and advice from Professor Zhenshan Wang College of Life Sciences Hebei University