Authors: Weiwei Chang Liu Zhang Hong Su Yingshui Yao
Publish Date: 2013/11/20
Volume: 35, Issue: 4, Pages: 2837-2844
To derive a more precise estimation of the relationship between TGFβ1 polymorphisms and gastric cancer GC risk we conducted a metaanalysis of all available case–control studies relating the C509 T T869C and G 915C polymorphisms of the TGFβ1 gene to the risk of developing GC The effect summary odds ratio OR and 95 confidence intervals CIs were obtained Funnel plots and Eggers test were used to estimate publication bias Finally 11 studies were included in the final metaanalysis With respect to C509 T polymorphism it was found that significantly increased GC risk was associated with the TT genotype in the recessive genetic model in overall analysis TT vs CC + CT OR = 123 95 CI 109–138 P heterogeneity = 013 and in Asian population TT vs CC + CT OR = 124 95 CI 110–139 P heterogeneity = 018 With respect to T869C and G915C polymorphisms no significant association with GC risk was demonstrated in overall analysis and subgroup analyses according to ethnicity for all genetic models This metaanalysis suggested that the T allele of TGFβ1 509C/T polymorphism is probably the susceptibility factor for GC