Authors: Jinlu Shan Nan Dai Xueqin Yang Chengyuan Qian Zhenzhou Yang Feng Jin Mengxia Li Dong Wang
Publish Date: 2013/12/08
Volume: 35, Issue: 4, Pages: 3503-3508
Vitamin D plays a central role in cellular proliferation apoptosis induction and tumor growth suppression The vitamin D receptor VDR is a crucial mediator for the cellular effects of vitamin D A series of epidemiological studies have examined the association between the VDR FokI polymorphism and breast cancer risk but the findings remain inconclusive Fifteen eligible case–control studies involving 15681 cancer cases and 20632 control subjects were identified through searching PubMed Embase and Web of Science Odds ratios ORs and 95 confidence intervals CIs were used to assess the association Heterogeneity across studies was examined with the chisquarebased Q test and the I 2 index Begg’s and Egger’s test were also performed to determine publication bias All statistical data were analyzed by STATA software The combined estimates did not show significant risks correlated with the FokI polymorphism However we found an increased risk in the subgroup analysis by source of control OR = 111 95 CI = 101–122 heterogeneity test P = 0116 I 2 = 00 for ff vs FF OR = 110 95 CI = 101–121 heterogeneity test P = 0832 I 2 = 00 for ff vs Ff + FF This metaanalysis suggests that the presence of FokI polymorphism may contribute to the risk of breast cancer in Caucasians