Authors: Mengmeng Lv Xingya Zhu Weixian Chen Shanliang Zhong Qing Hu Tengfei Ma Jun Zhang Lin Chen Jinhai Tang Jianhua Zhao
Publish Date: 2014/07/31
Volume: 35, Issue: 11, Pages: 10773-10779
Acquired drug resistance is a major obstacle to chemotherapy of cancers In this study we aim to investigate the role of exosomes in drugresistance transfer between breast cancer cells and detect the probable mechanism A docetaxelresistant variant of MCF7 cell line MCF7/DOC was established and then compared with the drugsensitive variant MCF7/S Exosomes were expelled from the cell supernatant using ultracentrifugation Drug resistance was assessed by apoptosis assay and MTT examination Expressions of Pglycoprotein Pgp were analyzed by flow cytometry Stained exosomes were absorbed by receipt cells MCF7/S in the presence of exosomes extracted from the supernatant of MCF7/DOC DOC/exo acquired drug resistance while MCF7/S exposed to their own exosomes S/exo did not Pgp expression patterns of exosomes were similar as the originated cells Pgp expression of MCF7/S increased after incubation with DOC/exo and was affected by the amount of exosomes Exosomes are effective in transferring drug resistance as well as Pgp from drugresistant breast cancer cells to sensitive ones The delivery of Pgp via exosomes may be a mechanism of exosomemediated drug resistance transfer