Authors: Yuhao Dong Le Zhuang Weiyuan Ma
Publish Date: 2013/02/03
Volume: 34, Issue: 2, Pages: 1155-1160
Previous studies evaluating the association between excision repair crosscomplimentary group 2 ERCC2 Lys751Gln polymorphism and susceptibility to cutaneous melanoma reported conflicting findings We searched PubMed and Wangfang Medical databases up to October 16 2012 to identify eligible studies A total of 8 case–control studies including 3492 cases and 5381 controls were included in the metaanalysis Statistical analysis was performed with Review Manage version 51 Odds ratios ORs with 95 confidence intervals 95 CIs were used to assess the strength of the association There was no obvious betweenstudy heterogeneity among those eight studies under all four comparison models Overall there was a significant association between ERCC2 Lys751Gln polymorphism and susceptibility to cutaneous melanoma under three genetic models for Gln versus Lys OR = 108 95 CI = 101–115 P = 002 for GlnGln versus LysLys OR = 116 95 CI = 101–133 P = 003 for GlnGln/LysGln versus LysLys OR = 110 95 CI = 101–121 P = 004 Sensitivity analysis by omitting one study a time showed the significance of the pooled ORs was stable under all those three genetic models above Therefore the metaanalysis suggests that there is a significant association between ERCC2 Lys751Gln polymorphism and susceptibility to cutaneous melanoma