Authors: Yanjuan Ma Xiaoxia Wei Guangye Han Minghui Xue Guangyan Li Yan Li
Publish Date: 2013/03/02
Volume: 34, Issue: 3, Pages: 1737-1742
Glutathione Stransferase P1 GSTP1 is an important enzyme playing critical roles in the phase II detoxification pathway There were many studies investigating the association between GSTP1 gene Ile105Val polymorphism and gastric cancer risk but studies from East Asians reported inconsistent findings We performed a metaanalysis to investigate the association in East Asians Published literature from PubMed and Chinese Biomedical Literature databases were searched for eligible publications Pooled odds ratios ORs with 95 confidence intervals 95 CIs were calculated using random or fixedeffect model according the betweenstudy heterogeneity A total of 12 studies with 2552 cases and 5474 controls were finally included into the metaanalysis Metaanalysis of those 12 studies showed that there was an obvious association between GSTP1 Ile105Val polymorphism and gastric cancer risk in East Asians under three genetic models for valine vs isoleucine OR = 132 95 CI 105–166 P = 0015 for ValVal vs IleIle OR = 200 95 CI 134–298 P = 0001 for the recessive model OR = 196 95 CI 135–283 P 0001 Sensitivity analysis by removing one study at a time suggested the pooled results were stable under the three genetic models above There was no risk of publication bias In conclusion the metaanalysis suggests that there is a strong evidence for the association between GSTP1 Ile105Val polymorphism and increased risk of gastric cancer in East Asians and contributes to increased risk of gastric cancer in East Asians