Authors: Spyridon Christodoulou Dimitra K Alexopoulou Christos K Kontos Andreas Scorilas Iordanis N Papadopoulos
Publish Date: 2014/01/16
Volume: 35, Issue: 5, Pages: 4673-4685
Members of the family of tissue kallikrein and kallikreinrelated peptidases possess important prognostic value in cancer Moreover the oncogenic role of kallikreinrelated peptidase6 KLK6 in colorectal cancer has been well documented so far This study investigated the prognostic value of KLK6 mRNA expression as a molecular tissue biomarker in colorectal adenocarcinoma For this purpose KLK6 mRNA expression was studied in 110 primary colorectal adenocarcinomas and 39 paired noncancerous colorectal specimens A dramatic upregulation of KLK6 mRNA expression was observed in colorectal tumors KLK6 mRNA overexpression was associated with high depth of tumor invasion presence of distant metastases and tumornodemetastasis TNM stage of patients Furthermore KLK6 mRNA expression was shown to predict poor diseasefree and overall survival independently of patient gender age tumor size location histological subtype grade venous invasion lymphatic invasion TNM stage radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment Moreover Kaplan–Meier survival analysis revealed that colorectal adenocarcinoma patients with negative regional lymph nodes N0 and those without distant metastases M0 harboring KLK6 mRNApositive colorectal tumors tended to relapse and die earlier than N0 and M0 patients with KLK6 mRNAnegative colorectal adenocarcinoma Thus KLK6 mRNA expression could be considered as an independent unfavorable molecular prognostic biomarker in colorectal adenocarcinoma with additional prognostic value in patients without regional or distant metastases