Authors: Kai Yuan Meiling Huo Yong Sun Hongyan Wu Hongqiang Chen Yulong Wang Rongzhan Fu
Publish Date: 2015/08/12
Volume: 37, Issue: 1, Pages: 979-987
Papillary thyroid cancer PTC is a predominant type of thyroid cancer Ionizing radiation is the only wellestablished risk factor and may result in doublestrand breaks The xray repair crosscomplementing group 3 XRCC3 gene plays a vital role in DNA repair through homologous recombination We aimed at investigating the association between XRCC3 genetic polymorphisms and PTC susceptibility Eightythree PTC patients and 367 controls in a Chinese population were enrolled in the study Tag singlenucleotide polymorphisms SNPs were identified by HaploView 42 software Genomic DNAs were isolated from peripheral blood samples by using TaqMan Blood DNA kits The genotyping of XRCC3 SNPs was performed by TaqMan SNPs genotyping assay Odds ratios ORs and corresponding 95 confidence intervals CIs were calculated to evaluate the association between XRCC3 SNPs and PTC susceptibility The statistical analyses were conducted by using SPSS 130 software Four tagSNPs were initially identified by HaploView 42 software Only one SNP rs861539 was shown to be significantly associated with increased risk of PTC There was a significant difference in smoking and drinking status between PTC cases and controls And the stratified analysis suggested that the polymorphisms of rs861539 in XRCC3 were correlated with PTC risk in the four subgroups of smokers exsmokers included nonsmokers drinkers exdrinkers included and nondrinkers The metaanalysis showed that only two studies reported a significant association between XRCC3 polymorphisms and PTC risk In this study we find a significant association between rs861539 polymorphisms and PTC susceptibility However there were inconsistent results in previous published studies Therefore further studies in a large population are required to gain insights into the PTC risk conferred by XRCC3 SNPs