Authors: A Thon M Merschdorf W Pfeiffer T Klamroth P Saalfrank D Diesing
Publish Date: 2003/10/31
Volume: 78, Issue: 2, Pages: 189-199
Photocurrent measurements in Ag–Al2O3–Al metal–insulator–metal junctions under illumination with ultrashort laser pulses reveal that tunneling and internal photoemission of excited electrons are the dominating transport mechanisms Photonassisted tunneling is observed under rare conditions that depend critically on the preparation of the interface The comparison of timeresolved twopulse correlation measurements with model calculations shows that the photoninduced transport of excited electrons is well described using a onedimensional manyparticle model for two coupled metallic leads whereas a singleparticle model for nonresonant excitation in a rectangular doubleminimum potential reveals the signature of photonassisted tunneling