Authors: K Q Xu H R Zeng K Y Zhao G R Li X Shi L D Chen
Publish Date: 2016/04/18
Volume: 122, Issue: 5, Pages: 521-
A novel scanning nearfield thermoelectric microscopy STeM was proposed and developed for characterizing subsurface nanoscale Seebeck coefficient of thermoelectric energy materials In STeM nearfield evanescent thermal wave was induced around the thermal probe’s contact with the thermoelectric sample’s surface via a periodically modulated heated thermal probe giving rise to a thermoelectric nearfield interaction with simultaneous excitation of three harmonic signals for local Seebeck coefficient derivation The nearfield STeM was capable of characterizing local Seebeck coefficient of thermoelectric materials with high lateral resolution at nanometer scale and more importantly provides a convenient powerful tool for quantitative characterization of subsurface nanoscale thermoelectric propertiesThis work is supported by the National Basic Research Program of China under Grant Nos 2012CB933004 and 2015CB654605 the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No 51402328 and the Key Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences Grant No KGZDEWT06