Authors: M MunizMiranda C Gellini A Simonelli M Tiberi F Giammanco E Giorgetti
Publish Date: 2012/08/28
Volume: 110, Issue: 4, Pages: 829-833
We prepared copper nanoparticles by ns laser ablation in pure water and in aqueous solutions of 110phenanthroline at 1064 nm and 532 nm wavelengths Although not fully impairing progressive oxidation ligand molecules prevent the colloids to collapse UV–vis absorption spectroscopy showed that particle production is more efficient at 1064 nm while transmission electron microscopy gave evidence that 532nm pulses cause photofragmentation of the structures resulting in reduced particle size Furthermore from Raman and fluorescence tests we found that colloids obtained at 1064 nm show better Surface Enhanced Raman activity while colloids obtained at 532 nm exhibit a more intense fluorescence emissionFunding from the project NABLA Decree n 4508September 12010 by Regione ToscanaItaly PAR FAS 20072013 funds Action 11a3 and project PRIN2009 “Novel plasmonbased processes and materials for sensor applications” of the Italian Ministry of Research is acknowledged The authors wish to thank Paolo Marsili ISCCNR Firenze Italy for TEM characterizations