Authors: Nathan Van Velson Xinwei Wang
Publish Date: 2012/09/20
Volume: 110, Issue: 2, Pages: 403-412
A contact transient electrothermal technique CTET is developed to characterize the thermal transport between onedimensional conductive and nonconductive microscale wires that are in point contact This technique is a significant advance from the transient electrothermal method that is used to characterize the thermophysical properties of individual onedimensional microwires A steadystate analytical solution and a transient numerical solution are used to independently determine the value for the thermal contact resistance between the wires at the contact point The CTET technique is applied to measurement of the thermal contact resistance between crossed Pt wires 254 μm diameter and the thermal contact resistance between a glass fiber 89 μm diameter in contact with a Pt wire 254 μm diameter For Pt wire contact the thermal contact resistance increases from 894×104 to 705×105 K/W when the heating current changes from 20 to 50 mA For the Pt/glass fiber contact the thermal contact resistance is much larger 283×106 K/W mainly due to the smaller area at the contact pointSupport of this work from Kansas City Plant Office of Naval Research N000141210603 Army Research Office W911NF1210272 and National Science Foundation CBET0931290 is gratefully acknowledged The authors acknowledge the great help from Huan Lin for measuring the density of the glass fiber and Shen Xu for the SEM measurement of the glass fiber diameter