Authors: JB Shi YY Fan PH Peng FC Jou CY Lee HC Ku HZ Chen SL Young
Publish Date: 2004/02/01
Volume: 78, Issue: 3, Pages: 411-414
In this paper we report the results of a detailed investigation of the double perovskite Ca22xSr2xFeMoO6 system Chemical size effects on structural electrical and magnetic properties caused by the substitution of isovalent larger Sr ions into the smaller Ca sites resulting in Ca22xSr2xFeMoO6 have been examined The compounds crystallize in the monoclinic space group P21/n for 00≤x02 the orthorhombic space group Pbnm for 02≤x04 and the tetragonal space group I4/m and I4/mmm for x≥04 Examination of the resistivity of all compounds reveals a metallic behavior which is well described by a Tn dependence except for x=10 These n values change from 1 to 2 as T decreases lower than Tc This is indicative of a variation in the transport mechanism at Tc The ferrimagnetic transition temperature Tc increases with increasing x from 318 x=00 to 393 K x=10 For all samples the saturation magnetization at 82 K obeys Ms≤35 μB/formula unit compared to a theoretical spinonly moment of 4 μB/formula unit for a perfectly ordered compound