Authors: Joana Domingues Nicole Bonelli Rodorico Giorgi Piero Baglioni
Publish Date: 2013/11/29
Volume: 114, Issue: 3, Pages: 705-710
Semiinterpenetrating IPN poly 2hydroxyethyl methacrylate/polyvinylpyrrolidone hydrogels were synthesized and used for the removal of adhesives from the back of canvas paintings The high water retention capability and the specific mechanical properties of these gels allow the safe cleaning of watersensitive artifacts using waterbased detergent systems The cleaning action is limited to the contact area and layerbylayer removal is achieved while avoiding water spreading and absorption within watersensitive substrates which could lead for example to paint detachment The use of these chemical gels also avoids leaving residues over the treated surface because the gel network is formed by covalent bonds that provide high mechanical strength In this contribution the physicochemical characterization of semiIPN chemical hydrogels is reported The successful application of an o/w microemulsion confined in the hydrogel for the removal of adhesives from linen canvas is also illustratedThe authors acknowledge Dr Chelazzi for providing the aged canvas samples J D acknowledges financial support provided by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia FCT through a PhD research grant SFRH/BD/73817/2010 This work was partly supported by the CSGI the European Union Project NANOFORART FP7ENVNMP2011/282816 and the Ministry for Education and Research MIUR PRIN2009P2WEAT