Authors: T Heeg J Schubert C Buchal E Cicerrella JL Freeouf W Tian Y Jia DG Schlom
Publish Date: 2006/01/13
Volume: 83, Issue: 1, Pages: 103-106
Epitaxial rareearth scandate thin films of 100–1500 nm in thickness have been prepared by pulsed laser deposition on SrTiO3100 and MgO100 substrates Stoichiometry and crystallinity were investigated by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry/channelling RBS/C transmission electron microscopy and Xray diffraction Electrical measurements on microstructured capacitors with a SrRuO3 bottom electrode and Au top contacts reveal dielectric constants of 20 to 27 leakage currents of 085 to 6 μA/cm2 at 250 kV/cm and breakdown fields of 06 to 12 MV/cm The optical bandgaps of the films range from 55 to 6 eV The results substantiate the high potential of rareearth scandates as alternative gate oxides