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Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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Resonant peak splitting in graphene superlattices

Authors: Yi Xu Ying He Yanfang Yang
Publish Date: 2014/04/24
Volume: 115, Issue: 3, Pages: 721-729
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We have investigated theoretically the resonant tunneling phenomenon of Dirac electrons through graphene superlattices with periodic potentials of square barriers It is found that there are two resonance conditions for the graphene superlattices Some of the resonance transmission peaks present N – 1fold resonance splitting for Ntextbarriers which is the analogy of the resonance splitting in semiconductor superlattices The resonance splitting effect depends on the incidence angle rather than the height and width of the potential However there is no explicit splitting rule for the conductance and shot noise which is different from the magnetic case Furthermore the resonant splitting rule of the transmission is not sensitive to the shape of the potential barrier These properties in graphene superlattices may lead to potential applications in graphenebased electron devices



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