Authors: R Pöykiö P Perämäki I Välimäki T Kuokkanen
Publish Date: 2002/05/04
Volume: 373, Issue: 3, Pages: 190-194
A fourstage sequential leaching procedure was applied to assess the bioavailability and environmental mobility of heavy metals Cr Fe Cu Ni and Cd in total suspended particulate TSP material emitted from an opencast chrome mine complex Kemi Northern Finland TSP material was collected on glass fibre filters by a highvolume sampler and a sequential leaching procedure was used to determine the distribution of heavy metals between the watersoluble fraction H2O environmentally mobile fraction CH3COONH4 the fraction bound to carbonate and oxides HONH3Cl + CH3COOH and the fraction bound to silicates and organic matter that is the environmentally immobile fraction HNO3 + HF + HCl The sequential leaching procedure was also applied to the certified reference materials VKI QC Loam Soil A and PACS2 Marine Sediment to evaluate the accuracy and reproducibility of the leaching procedure The heavy metals were determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry GFAAS and flame atomic absorption spectrometry FAAS The concentrations of metals in the watersoluble fraction H2O decreased in the order Fe Cu Cr Ni Cd and in the environmentally mobile fraction CH3COONH4 in the order Cu Fe Ni Cr Cd