Authors: Günter Gauglitz
Publish Date: 2003/06/24
Volume: 376, Issue: 6, Pages: 938-940
The 3rd BioSensor Symposium 2003 was organized by Professor Frieder Scheller and convened in Potsdam Germany between March 30 and April 1 2003 More than 250 young scientists and heads of research groups attended this successful meeting following on from the 1st meeting organized by P Luppa in Munich in 1999 This symposium is intended to take place in the years between the International Biosensor Congress and its objective is to give young scientists in Germany the opportunity to present their recent research results For this reason introductory lectures are not given by wellknown scientists but by advanced young scientists and PhD studentsIn addition to 20 short lectures demonstrating the advancements in many fields of biosensing and bioanalytics 6 tutorials were given as introductory lectures to the sessions covering many interesting fields In addition three introductory lectures were given at the opening session on the first evening