Authors: Agnès RollandSabaté Sophie Guilois Benoît Jaillais Paul Colonna
Publish Date: 2010/09/29
Volume: 399, Issue: 4, Pages: 1493-1505
Starch consists of a mixture of two αglucans built mainly upon α14 linkages amylose an essentially linear polymer and amylopectin a branched polymer containing 5–6 of α16 linkages The aim of the present work was to analyze the structural properties of native starches displaying different amylosetoamylopectin ratios and arising from different botanical sources using asymmetrical flow field flow fractionation A4F and a combination of hydrodynamic and sizeexclusion chromatography HDCSEC coupled with multiangle laser light scattering online quasielastic light scattering and differential refractive index techniques The procedure based upon dimethyl sulfoxide pretreatment and then solubilization in water generates a representative injected sample without altering the initial degree of polymerization The amylopectin weightaverage molar masses and radii of gyration were around 10 × 108–48 × 108 g mol1 and 110–267 nm respectively For each starch sample the hydrodynamic radius R H distributions and the molar mass distributions obtained from the two fractionation systems coupled with light scattering techniques were analyzed The size determination scales were extended by means of R H calibration curves HDCSEC and A4F data could be matched However A4F enabled a better separation of amylopectins and therefore an enhanced structural characterization of the starches The two advantages of this experimental approach are 1 it can directly obtain distributions as a function of both molar mass and size while taking account of sample heterogeneity and 2 it is possible to compare the results obtained using the different techniques through the direct application of R H distributions