Authors: Sara RodriguezMozaz Maria J Lopez de Alda Damià Barceló
Publish Date: 2006/06/29
Volume: 386, Issue: 4, Pages: 1025-1041
Recent advances in the development and application of biosensors for environmental analysis and monitoring are reviewed in this article Several examples of biosensors developed for relevant environmental pollutants and parameters are briefly overviewed Special attention is paid to the application of biosensors to real environmental samples taking into consideration aspects such as sample pretreatment matrix effects and validation of biosensor measurements Current trends in biosensor development are also considered and commented on in this work In this context nanotechnology miniaturisation multisensor array development and especially biotechnology arise as fastgrowing areas that will have a marked influence on the development of new biosensing strategies in the near futureThis work has been supported by the EU project SWIFTWFD SSPICT2003502492 and by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science project number CTM200524255E Sara Rodriguez acknowledges the I3P Program Itinerario integrado de inserción professional cofinanced by CSIC and European Social Funds