Authors: Christoph Haisch Karin EilertZell Mika M Vogel Peter Menzenbach Reinhard Niessner
Publish Date: 2010/04/12
Volume: 397, Issue: 4, Pages: 1503-1510
In this paper we present the OPUS optoacoustic plus ultrasound system which is a combination of a wavelengthtunable pulsed optical parametrical oscillator OPO laser with a commercial ultrasound US scanner Optoacoustic OA or synonymously photoacoustic PA imaging is a spectroscopic technique to measure optical absorption in semitransparent solids and liquids The measured signal is an acoustical pressure wave which represents the absorption of pulsed optical radiation By temporally and spatially resolved detection of the pressure wave on the sample surface a 2D or even 3D image of the distribution of the optical absorption in the sample can be generated In recent years OA tomography has found increasing application in medical imaging Most of these applications are based on qualitative OA imaging The reported system is intended primarily for breast cancer detection in which the optoacoustic imaging modality offers additional information to the ultrasound image Consequently the system is developed in a way that the OA imaging mode can be installed without major changes to the US instrument The capabilities of the OPUS system for the quantitative analysis of absorber concentrations in tissue models are exploitedThis work was supported by the Bavarian State Ministry for the Economy Infrastructure Transportation and Technology StMWIVT under the grant chapter 0703 title 68668 The financial support by the MaxBuchnerForschungsstiftung grant number 2709 for Mrs EilertZell is gratefully acknowledged We acknowledge the contributions of S Wiesemann V Bretzler K Hiltawsky and S Ketzer