Authors: R K Dwivedi Om Parkash Devendra Kumar K K Srivastava P Singh
Publish Date: 2006/11/11
Volume: 42, Issue: 1, Pages: 72-79
An attempt has been made to investigate the solid solubility limit between barium titanate BaTiO3 and lanthanum chromite LaCrO3 Compositions with x ≤ 015 have shown solid solution formation in the system Ba1−x La x Ti1−x Cr x O3 Compositions with 001 and 005 are found to have a tetragonal structure whereas those with x = 010 and 015 are found to have a cubic structure at room temperature Dielectric measurements have been carried out at different frequencies in the temperature range 100–550 K Plots of εr versus temperature for composition with x = 001 show dielectric anomalies at 376 K T CT and 275 T TO where T CT and T TO denote the temperature for cubic to tetragonal and tetragonal to orthorhombic transition Dielectric anomaly corresponding to the ferroelectric to paraelectric transition has been found to shift to lower temperatures with increasing concentration of lanthanum and chromium For compositions with x ≤ 005 T C has been found to be frequency independent while for x = 010 and 015 T C has been found to be frequency dependent in a manner similar to relaxor ferroelectricsFinancial support from Department of Science and Technology New Delhi Government of India is gratefully acknowledged We are thankful to Prof Dhananjai Pandey for providing XRD facilities and Prof S Lele Head Department of Metallurgical Engineering Institute of Technology for providing SEM facilities RK Dwivedi one of the authors is also thankful to DST for financial assistance during this research work