Authors: H P Hlazunov A A Andreev D I Baron E D Volkov K M Kitaevs’kyi A L Konotops’kyi V I Lapshyn I M Neklyudov O P Patokin
Publish Date: 2005/08/09
Volume: 40, Issue: 6, Pages: 731-740
We have carried out an experimental investigation of the erosion of W Pd bimetallic systems in different states saturated with hydrogen and nonsaturated under the action of the stationary nitrogen plasma of a mirror Penning discharge and have studied the kinetics of hydrogen penetration through such systems Possible mechanisms have been suggested for the explanation of a significant decrease in the erosion rate and damages of W Pd systems shape changes macroblistering and macroflaking induced by saturation with hydrogen to high concentrations We have also analyzed the discovered anomalies in the behavior of the hydrogen permeability of W Pd bimetallic systems by the measured isotherms and isobars of hydrogen permeability the energy state of hydrogen in W Pd systems and the theory of diffusion in systems with a great number of closed and interconnected pores