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Thermomechanical behavior of a plate composed of l

Authors: R F Terlets’kyi O P Turii
Publish Date: 2008/08/05
Volume: 43, Issue: 6, Pages: 769-
PDF Link


We study the thermal and mechanical processes running in a twolayer plate in the case of perfect mechanical contact between the opaque and semitransparent layers caused by the thermal radiation of a heated plane surface parallel to the composite plate and located on the side of the opaque layer The contact boundaryvalue problem of heat conduction is reduced to an equivalent system of three nonlinear Volterratype equations solved by the method of successive approximations The dependences of the distributions of temperature and stresses in the plate on the ratio of thicknesses of the layers are investigated It is shown that the influence of the thermal radiation of the opaque layer on the computed temperature in the plate is significant at temperatures higher than 530°K As the thickness of the semitransparent layer decreases for a fixed thickness of the opaque layer the temperature gradient across the thickness of the semitransparent layer sharply increases The maximum tensile stresses in the plate may appear in the opaque or semitransparent layer depending on the ratio of the their thicknesses For certain thicknesses of the semitransparent layer they can attain the maximum permissible values



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  296. Nano-tribological characteristics of TiO 2 films on 3-mercaptopropyl trimethoxysilane sulfonated self-assembled monolayer
  297. Influence of ultrasonic melt treatment on the formation of primary intermetallics and related grain refinement in aluminum alloys
  298. Electrospun antimicrobial microfibrous scaffold for annulus fibrosus tissue engineering
  299. Diagnostic Parameter of Wear of a Piston–Bush–Cylinder System
  300. Discrepancy of room temperature ferromagnetism in Mo-doped In 2 O 3
  301. Apparently complete grain boundary wetting in Cu–In alloys
  302. Effect of Ho 3+ substitution on magnetic and microwave absorption properties of Sr(ZnZr) 0.5 Fe 12 O 19 hexagonal ferrite nanoparticles
  303. Effect of nanoclay addition on the displacement-controlled flexural fatigue behavior of a polymer
  304. The electromagnetic properties of dilute magnetic GeSi:Mn quantum rings
  305. Improving the performance of ternary bulk heterojunction polymer cell by regioregular poly (3-hexylthiophene)-grafted oxide graphene on in situ doping of CdS
  306. Topographically induced self-deformation of the nuclei of cells: dependence on cell type and proposed mechanisms
  307. Monitoring cellular behaviour using Raman spectroscopy for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications
  308. Bacterial cellulose whisker as a reinforcing filler for carboxylated acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber
  309. Investigating the influence of ZnO nanowires on the interfacial micro-mechanical behavior of carbon fiber/epoxy microdroplet structures using micro-Raman spectroscopy
  310. Application of Ni and Cu nanoparticles in transient liquid phase (TLP) bonding of Ti-6Al-4V and Mg-AZ31 alloys
  311. Enhanced energy storage density performance in (Pb 0.97 La 0.02 )(Zr 0.5 Sn 0.44 Ti 0.06 )–BiYO 3 anti-ferroelectric composite ceramics
  312. Preparation and conductive mechanism of copper nanoparticles ink
  313. Directional solidification and characterization of InBi 1−x Sb x crystals
  314. Si 3 N 4 /Mg composites with an interpenetrating network
  315. High-boiling-point solvent synthesis of mesoporous NiCo 2 S 4 with high specific surface area as supercapacitor electrode material
  316. Influence of ion-beam sputtering deposition parameters on highly photosensitive and transparent CdZnO thin films
  317. Varistor and giant permittivity properties of SnO 2 –Zn 2 SnO 4 ceramic matrix composites
  318. Defect based violet–blue emission of Mg doped ZnO annealed at different temperatures
  319. The influence of copper addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of thermomechanically processed microalloyed steels
  320. Wettability and transient liquid phase bonding of hafnium diboride composite with Ni–Nb alloys
  321. Prolonging the combustion duration of wood by TiO 2 coating synthesized using cosolvent-controlled hydrothermal method
  322. Effects of microstructure on optimum heat treatment conditions in metal-matrix composites
  323. Different electric-field dependences of geminate and nongeminate recombination in photoluminescence of a-Si:H
  324. Micron-scale indentation of amorphous and drawn PET surfaces
  325. Upconversion luminescent materials of Y–Gd oxysulfide binary system codoped with Yb and Er
  326. Role of boron addition on the consolidation and properties of steel composites prepared by SPS
  327. Influence of Hydrogen and Carbon on the Atomic Ordering and Ultimate Strength of N36 Alloy
  328. Dielectric behaviour of glycidyl methacrylatebutyl methacrylate copolymers
  329. Room-temperature multiferroic properties and magnetoelectric coupling in Bi 4− x Sm x Ti 3− x Co x O 12− δ ceramics
  330. Gel–sol synthesis and aging effect on highly crystalline anatase nanopowder
  331. Structural investigations of V 2 O 5 –P 2 O 5 –CaO glass system by FT-IR and EPR spectroscopies
  332. Effect of graphene dispersion on the equilibrium structure and deformation of graphene/eicosane composites as surrogates for graphene/polyethylene composites: a molecular dynamics simulation
  333. Glycolic acid-functionalized chitosan–Co 3 O 4 –Fe 3 O 4 hybrid magnetic nanoparticles-based nanohybrid scaffolds for drug-delivery and tissue engineering
  334. Cellulose film regenerated from Styela clava tunics have biodegradability, toxicity and biocompatibility in the skin of SD rats
  335. Plastic deformation mechanism of crystalline polymer materials during the rolling process
  336. Microwave dielectric properties of low-fired CoNb 2 O 6 ceramics with B 2 O 3 addition
  337. Comparison of in vivo biocompatibilities between parylene-C and polydimethylsiloxane for implantable microelectronic devices
  338. Facile synthesis of ordered mesoporous silica with high γ-Fe 2 O 3 loading via sol-gel process
  339. Newly developed biodegradable polymer nanocomposites of cellulose acetate and Al 2 O 3 nanoparticles with enhanced dielectric performance for embedded passive applications
  340. Specific heat of the Ba 0.7 Sr 0.3 Ti 1− y Zr y O ( y = 0, 0.03, 0.05, 0.1) ferroelectric ceramics obtained by the temperature relaxation method
  341. Facile synthesis of high performance non-noble-metal electrocatalyst Fe–N–S/C for oxygen reduction reaction in acidic solutions
  342. Preparation and characterization of water soluble and conducting poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) doped poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes core–shell nanocomposites by in situ polymerization
  343. A strategy for improving mechanical properties of composite nanofibers through surface functionalization of fillers with hyperbranched polyglycerol
  344. Evaluation of heat release in the process of pulsed mechanical hardening of titanium alloys
  345. Internal melting and coarsening of liquid droplets in an Al–Cu alloy: a 4-D experimental study
  346. Effect of water on the fatigue behaviour of a pa66/glass fibers composite material
  347. Improved magnetism in Cr doped ZnS nanoparticles with nitrogen co-doping synthesized using chemical co-precipitation technique
  348. Cobalt oxide nanoparticle-modified carbon nanotubes as an electrocatalysts for electrocatalytic evolution of oxygen gas
  349. Adsorption kinetics, isotherm, and thermodynamics of Hg 2+ to polyaniline/hexagonal mesoporous silica nanocomposite in water/wastewater
  350. Wood—a 45th anniversary review of JMS papers. Part 1: The wood cell wall and mechanical properties
  351. Preparation, in vitro and in vivo evaluation of mPEG-PLGA nanoparticles co-loaded with syringopicroside and hydroxytyrosol
  352. Phase selection of titanium boride in copper matrix composites during solidification
  353. Impact factors, citation distributions and journal stratification
  354. Effects of crosslinking ratio, model drugs, and electric field strength on electrically controlled release for alginate-based hydrogel
  355. Synthesis and lithium storage properties of interconnected fullerene-like carbon nanofibers encapsulated with tin nanoparticles
  356. Structure and crystallization behavior of borate-based bioactive glass
  357. Study of the Mechanism of Action of the Isopropanol Extract of Rapeseed Oil Cake on the Atmospheric Corrosion of Copper
  358. Influence of organic salt concentration on the performance of bulk heterojunction organic solar cell
  359. Synthesis of superparamagnetic cobalt nanoparticles through solvothermal process
  360. Formation mechanism of NaNbO 3 powders during hydrothermal synthesis
  361. Development of n-type microcrystalline SiO x :H films and its application by innovative way to improve the performance of single junction µc-Si:H solar cell
  362. Development of a Sn–Ag–Cu solder reinforced with Ni-coated carbon nanotubes
  363. Oxygen incorporation in Ti 2 AlC thin films studied by electron energy loss spectroscopy and ab initio calculations
  364. Mechanical and tribological behavior of clay–polypropylene nanocomposites
  365. Development of multiferroic polymer nanocomposite from PVDF and (Bi 0.5 Ba 0.25 Sr 0.25 )(Fe 0.5 Ti 0.5 )O 3
  366. Effect of nickel content on the anodic dissolution and passivation of zinc–nickel alloys in alkaline solutions by potentiodynamic and potentiostatic techniques
  367. Low-temperature thermoelectric characteristics of Ca 3−x Yb x Co 3.95 Ga 0.05 O 9+δ (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.10)
  368. Ibuprofen loaded porous calcium phosphate nanospheres for skeletal drug delivery system
  369. Rolling and recrystallisation textures in Cu–Al, Cu–Mn and Cu–Ni alloys
  370. Dissolutive wetting of Si by molten Cu
  371. Room temperature elastic moduli and Vickers hardness of hot-pressed LLZO cubic garnet
  372. Effect of the substrate temperature on the structural, optical and electrical properties of spray-deposited CdS:B films
  373. New insights into the crystallization of cordierite from a stoichiometric glass by in situ high-temperature SEM
  374. Micro-porous silicon structure with low optical reflection
  375. Photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue by C 3 N 4 /ZnO: the effect of the melamine/ZnO ratios
  376. Fast response time alcohol gas sensor using nanocrystalline F-doped SnO 2 films derived via sol–gel method
  377. PEDOT:PSS/graphene/PEDOT ternary film for high performance electrochemical electrode
  378. Microstructure, electrical and magnetic properties of polycrystalline La 0.85 K 0.15 MnO 3 manganites prepared by different synthesis routes
  379. BiB 3 O 6 :Pr 3+ partially crystallized glasses for second harmonic generation
  380. Prediction models for the yield strength of particle-reinforced unimodal pure magnesium (Mg) metal matrix nanocomposites (MMNCs)
  381. An effective three-dimensional surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate based on oblique Si nanowire arrays decorated with Ag nanoparticles
  382. High-frequency response in Sr 1−x Ca x TiO 3 powders studied by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy
  383. Structural and composition analysis of Apex™ and Foturan™ photodefinable glasses
  384. Influencing biophysical properties of fibrin with buffer solutions
  385. A new method of depositing high figure-of-merit porous PZT pyroelectric thick film using [001]-oriented PZT nanorod by electrophoresis deposition
  386. Mechanisms of stress-corrosion cracking and liquid-metal embrittlement in Al-Zn-Mg bicrystals
  387. Self-dissolving micropile array tips for percutaneous administration of insulin
  388. Investigation of Er-doped Sc 2 O 3 transparent ceramics by positron annihilation spectroscopy
  389. Electrochemical investigation of silicon/carbon composite as anode material for lithium ion batteries
  390. Low temperature sintering and properties of lead-free (Ba 0.85 Ca 0.15 )(Zr 0.1 Ti 0.9 )O 3 ceramics with Ba(Cu 0.5 W 0.5 )O 3 addition
  391. Theoretical and experimental determination of residual stresses in plane joints
  392. Electrical characteristics of Au/n-Si (MS) Schottky Diodes (SDs) with and without different rates (graphene + Ca 1.9 Pr 0.1 Co 4 O x -doped poly(vinyl alcohol)) interfacial layer
  393. Composition control of co-electroplating Au–Sn deposits using experimental strategies
  394. On the triggering mechanism for the metal–insulator transition in thin film VO 2 devices: electric field versus thermal effects
  395. Influence of thermal treatment on the nonlinear current–voltage behavior and restoration hysteresis effect of CaCu 3 Ti 4 O 12 thin films
  396. Dental casting alloys behaviour during power toothbrushing with toothpastes with various abrasivities. Part I: wear behavior
  397. Atomic layer deposition of hafnium oxide dielectrics on silicon and germanium substrates
  398. Size dependence of the contact angle of liquid clusters of Bi and Sn supported on SiO 2 , Al 2 O 3 , graphite, diamond and AlN
  399. Controlled fabrication of noble metal nanoparticles loaded on the surfaces of cyclotriphosphazene-containing polymer nanotubes
  400. Fabrication, chemical composition change and phase evolution of biomorphic hydroxyapatite
  401. Preparation and performance of organic–inorganic halide perovskites
  402. Fabrication of an aluminum–carbon nanotube metal matrix composite by accumulative roll-bonding
  403. Mechanical properties of chromium–chromium sulfide cermets fabricated by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis
  404. Application of power loss calculation to estimate the specific contact resistance of the screen-printed silver ohmic contacts of the large area silicon solar cells
  405. Chain flexibility versus molecular entanglement response to rubbing deformation in designing poly(oxadiazole-naphthylimide)s as liquid crystal orientation layers
  406. Improvement of photopolymer materials for holographic data storage
  407. Fabrication and characterization of Li 0.5 Fe 2.5 O 4 octahedrons via a TEA-assisted route
  408. Monoclinic effects and orthotropic estimation for the behaviour of rolled sheet
  409. Prediction of no-recrystallization temperature by simulation of multi-pass flow stress curves from single-pass curves
  410. Microstructural and electrical properties of PbTIO 3 screen-printed thick films
  411. Enhanced photocatalytic activity of Mg 0.05 Zn 0.95 O thin films prepared by sol–gel method through a cycle
  412. Comparison of galvanic displacement and electroless methods for deposition of gold nanoparticles on synthetic calcite
  413. Using deformation mechanism maps to depict flow processes in superplastic ultrafine-grained materials
  414. Investigation of the Deformation and Fracture of Composites with the Help of Electronic Speckle Interferometry
  415. Principles of grain refinement in magnesium alloys processed by equal-channel angular pressing
  416. A review of carbon dots in biological applications
  417. Methotrexate-grafted-oligochitosan micelles as drug carriers: synthesis and biological evaluations
  418. Synthesis and temperature dependent photoluminescence of Zn 1− x Mg x O films grown by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis
  419. Anisotropy of the Mechanical Properties of Degraded 15Kh1М1F Steel After Its Operation in Steam Pipelines of Thermal Power Plants
  420. Influence of dopants on the thermal properties and critical behavior of the ferroelectric transition in uniaxial ferroelectric Sn 2 P 2 S 6
  421. Influence of light polymerization modes on degree of conversion and crosslink density of dental composites
  422. Biphasic calcium phosphate–casein bone graft fortified with Cassia occidentalis for bone tissue engineering and regeneration
  423. Estimation of the serviceability of oil and gas pipelines after long-term operation according to the parameters of their defectiveness
  424. Effect of CaF 2 on the sintering and thermal expansion of La 0.85 Sr 0.15 Cr 0.95 O 3
  425. Effect of modified MWCNT on the properties of PPO/LCP blend
  426. Effect of stacking type in precursors on composition, morphology and electrical properties of the CIGS films
  427. Equilibrium and non-equilibrium charge-dependent quantification of endothelial cell hydrogel scaffolds
  428. New insight into PEO modified inner surface of HNTs and its nano-confinement within nanotube
  429. Microstructure and wear properties of LENS ® deposited medical grade CoCrMo
  430. Reaction synthesis of in situ vanadium carbide particulates-reinforced iron matrix composites by spark plasma sintering
  431. Effects of Cr 2 O 3 doping on the microstructural and electrical properties of ZnO–Bi 2 O 3 based varistor films
  432. Diffraction-line shifts and broadenings in continuously and discontinuously coarsening precipitate-matrix systems: coarsening of initially coherent nitride precipitates in a ferrite matrix
  433. Conversion of waste animal bones into porous hydroxyapatite by alkaline treatment: effect of the impregnation ratio and investigation of the activation mechanism
  434. Nanomechanical properties of the stigma of dragonfly Anax parthenope julius Brauer
  435. Three-dimensional NiCo 2 S 4 nanosheets as high-performance electrodes materials for supercapacitors
  436. Optical characterisation of silicon nitride thin films grown by novel remote plasma sputter deposition
  437. Structural and frequency dependencies of a.c. and dielectric characterizations of epitaxial InSb-based heterojunctions
  438. In situ synthesis of CuS nanoparticle with a distinguishable SPR peak in NIR region
  439. First-principle calculations of the structural, electronic, thermodynamic and thermal properties of ZnS x Se 1− x ternary alloys
  440. First principles investigation of the structure and stability of LiNiO 2 doped with Co and Mn
  441. Preparation and characteristic of magnetic LDPE/Fe 3 O 4 nano-composite films
  442. BaTiO 3 (BTO)–CaCu 3 Ti 4 O 12 (CCTO) substrates for microwave devices and antennas
  443. Comparative study of electrical and mechanical properties of fire-refined and electrolytically refined cold-drawn copper wires
  444. Sol-gel synthesis and characterization of the photocatalyst BaCo 1/3 Nb 2/3 O 3
  445. On the use of non-MPB lead zirconium titanate (PZT) granules for piezoelectric ceramic–polymer sensorial composites
  446. The effect of photo-oxidation on thermal and fire retardancy of polypropylene nanocomposites
  447. Comparison of tensile and knot security properties of surgical sutures
  448. Precipitation behavior of Heusler phase (Ni 2 AlHf) in multiphase NiAl alloy
  449. Enhanced wear and fatigue properties of Ti–6Al–4V alloy modified by plasma carburizing/CrN coating
  450. Effect of particle surface treatment and blending method on flexural properties of injection-molded cenosphere/HDPE syntactic foams
  451. Al x (Sn 2 Se 3 ) 1−x phase change films for high-temperature data retention and fast transition speed application
  452. AFM analysis of the surface of nanoporous membranes: application to the nanofiltration of potassium clavulanate
  453. Comparison of structural, optical, photocatalytic behavior and hydrophilic properties of pure and Sn/La co-doped TiO 2 thin films
  454. Fabrication and finite element modeling of ellipsoidal macro-shells
  455. PMMA nanocomposites and gradient materials prepared by means of polysilsesquioxane (POSS) self-assembly
  456. Dielectric properties of organosilicons from first principles
  457. Effect of replacement of MgO by CaO on sintering, crystallization and properties of MgO–Al 2 O 3 –SiO 2 system glass-ceramics
  458. Supercritical CO 2 processing of polymers for the production of materials with applications in tissue engineering and drug delivery
  459. Mesoporous silica nanoparticle-functionalized poly(methyl methacrylate)-based bone cement for effective antibiotics delivery
  460. Synthesis and characterization of thin films of palladium (II) phthalocyanine and its derivatives using the thermal evaporation technique
  461. Growth and characterization of well-aligned rutile TiO 2 nanocrystals on sapphire substrates via metal organic vapour deposition
  462. Quantitative proteomics reveals altered expression of extracellular matrix related proteins of human primary dermal fibroblasts in response to sulfated hyaluronan and collagen applied as artificial extracellular matrix
  463. On stability of NiTi wire during thermo-mechanical cycling
  464. Anatase TiO 2 nanoparticles/carbon nanotubes nanofibers: preparation, characterization and photocatalytic properties
  465. Influence of interstitial impurities on the valence electron structures and phase transformation behavior in intermediate Ti–Al alloys
  466. Investigation of the lithium-rich boundary of the Li 1+ x Mn 2− x O 4 cubic spinel phase in air
  467. Strength of functionally designed cellular cemented carbides produced by coextrusion
  468. Fabrication of bioactive hydroxyapatite/bis-GMA based composite via three dimensional printing
  469. Fabrication of Y 2 O 2 S:Eu 3+ hollow nanofibers by sulfurization of Y 2 O 3 :Eu 3+ hollow nanofibers
  470. Organic solvent based TiO 2 dispersion paste for dye-sensitized solar cells prepared by industrial production level procedure
  471. Rietveld analysis, magnetic, vibrational and impedance properties of (Bi 1−x Pr x )(Fe 1−x Zr x )O 3 ceramics
  472. Microstructure and microwave dielectric properties of Ba 4.2 Nd 9.2 Ti 18−x Sn x O 54 (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2) ceramics
  473. Influence of cross-linking density on swelling and estradiol permeation of chitosan membranes
  474. Biomechanical characterisation of a degradable magnesium-based (MgCa0.8) screw
  475. The effect of substrate temperature on the microstructure and tunnelling magnetoresistance of FeCo–Al 2 O 3 nanogranular films
  476. Temperature-induced control over phase selection among hydroxides of nickel
  477. Facility, procedure, and results of investigations of the hydrogen elastic deformation of a palladium plate
  478. Low-temperature solid-state synthesis and phase-controlling studies of CdS nanoparticles
  479. Effect of buffer thickness on the properties of Al-doped ZnO thin films prepared by DC magnetron sputtering
  480. Cr(VI) removal from aqueous solution using chemically reduced and functionalized graphene oxide
  481. Yttrium deposition on mesoporous TiO 2 : textural design and UV decolourization of organic dyes
  482. Investigation of the lithium-rich boundary of the Li 1+ x Mn 2− x O 4 cubic spinel phase in air
  483. Coprecipitation synthesis and optical absorption property of Zn 2 Ti x Sn 1– x O 4 (0 ≤  x ≤ 1) solid solutions
  484. Use of chitosan and β-tricalcium phosphate, alone and in combination, for bone healing in rabbits
  485. Effect of high thermal expansion glass infiltration on mechanical properties of alumina-zirconia composite
  486. Supported and unsupported platinum catalysts prepared by a one-step dry deposition method and their oxygen reduction reactivity in acidic media
  487. Surface characterization and biological properties of regular dentin, demineralized dentin, and deproteinized dentin
  488. Structural, optical and electrical properties of gamma-rays exposed selenium nanowires
  489. Fabrication and mechanical testing of porous calcium phosphate bioceramic granules
  490. Tensile properties and fracture behaviour of carbon fibre filament materials
  491. Novel carboxymethyl chitosan-graphene oxide hybrid particles for drug delivery
  492. Influence of interfacial modification on the thermal conductivity of polymer composites
  493. l -cysteine-reduced graphene oxide/poly(vinyl alcohol) ultralight aerogel as a broad-spectrum adsorbent for anionic and cationic dyes
  494. Influence of polymer additive molecular weight on surface and microstructural characteristics of electrodeposited copper
  495. Effects of electromigration on resistance changes in eutectic SnBi solder joints
  496. TiO 2 /porous silicon nanocomposite passivation coating for mc-Si wafers
  497. Three-dimensional nonwoven scaffolds from a novel biodegradable poly(ester amide) for tissue engineering applications
  498. Regulatory biocompatibility requirements for biomaterials used in regenerative medicine
  499. Enhancing mechanical and fracture properties of sandwich composites using nanoparticle reinforcement
  500. Interfacial microstructure and hardness of nickel (Ni) nanoparticle-doped tin–silver–copper (Sn–Ag–Cu) solders on immersion silver (Ag)-plated copper (Cu) substrates
  501. Fabrication and characterization of La 0.6 Sr 0.4 Co 0.2 Fe 0.8 O 3-δ (LSCF)-Ce 0.9 Gd 0.1 O 1.95 (GDC) composite thick film for anode supported solid oxide fuel cells
  502. Synthesis of doubly functional nanowhiskers from a colloid solution including a V–Ti complex precursor
  503. Synthesis and properties of ellipsoidal hematite/silicone core-shell particles
  504. Impedance spectroscopy study of TiO 2 addition on the ceramic matrix Na 2 Nb 4 O 11

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