Authors: O E Narivs’kyi S B Belikov
Publish Date: 2009/02/18
Volume: 44, Issue: 4, Pages: 573-580
A phenomenological model of the dependence of the critical temperature of pitting formation in 06KhN28MDT ÉI 943 alloy on its heterogeneity in a chloridecontaining medium has been developed Based on the results of our investigations and analysis of the available literature data we propose to use the quantitative volume of nonmetallic inclusions V taking part in the pitting formation in the alloy as an index of its heterogeneity We have established a linear dependence between the critical temperature of pitting formation in this alloy and the index V in a chloridecontaining medium Using the results of regression analysis we have obtained mathematical dependences of the critical temperature of pitting formation on fV for aqueous solutions with pH from 4 to 8 and chloride concentrations of 350 400 500 550 and 600 mg/liter