Authors: V A Gol’tsov E N Lyubimenko Zh L Glukhova
Publish Date: 2010/05/21
Volume: 45, Issue: 5, Pages: 670-675
We have manufactured a new facility and developed a procedure for studying the hydrogen elastic deformation of a palladium plate subjected to onesided action of hydrogen We have obtained time dependences of the hydrogen elastic deformation of palladium plates preliminarily unsaturated and uniformly saturated to a concentration n = H / Pd = 0028 Δ P = 013 MPa as well as during degassing of such a plate saturated uniformly to a concentration n = H / Pd = 0052 Δ P = 024 MPa at a testing temperature of 200°C It has been established that hydrogen elastic deformation being observed is completely reversible